Episode 81: Being Needy (and why that’s a good thing!) with Mara Glatzel

Today the wonderful Mara Glatzel and I are breaking down our perceptions around neediness, because when it comes down to it we’re all human and we all have needs! Mara brings her experience as an intuitive coach and writer who helps humans stop abandoning themselves and start embracing their needs and honouring their natural energy rhythms.


We put the negative connotations around the word ‘needy’ to rest and discuss how to approach and fulfil your needs instead of pushing them away. We also dive into the differences and connections between needs and desires, and how listening to both can help preserve your energy for the things that really light you up.


Be sure to check out the links below, where you can preorder Mara’s book and find out more!






You are the Medicine, Asha Frost



“What am I wanting from somebody else that I am unable or unwilling to give to myself and what's going on there?”

“It's impossible that all of us are gonna get our needs met all of the time. But too often that means we shut off the tap and We just say, ‘well, if I can't get all of my needs met, then I'm not gonna get any of my needs met,’ which is a recipe for disaster”

“There needs to be a certain amount of groundedness inside of you. Confidence. And for me, confidence is ‘Am I well fed? Am I rested?’ If I'm doing too many things, if I feel too scattered, then I'm more likely to show up in such a way that feels really scattered.”

“How we're talking to ourselves on a daily basis, how we talk about ourselves to other people, every word we utter has the ability to either build or break self-trust.”

“The more we can divest from what is stereotypically deemed as trustworthy and allow ourselves to take up space as we are, the more room that we make for more human expression. Being a human is messy business, so why do we pretend that the only people amongst us who are allowed to speak with authority are these figures of the patriarchy?”


Episode 82: Separating your worth from your moneymaking


Episode 80: 5 tips for doubling your income in 2023