Episode 80: 5 tips for doubling your income in 2023

Today I’m sharing my 5 tips for doubling your income in 2023! This goal has been at the front of my mind in so many ways as the new year begins, including being the focus of my group program Plenty (which is open to signups now!). But setting a goal to double your income is about so much more than the amount itself. It’s about really owning that number and believing that you can take the steps to reach it. Not only that, it’s about strengthening the belief that this goal is absolutely possible for you.


At the same time, believing that you can double your income is an incredibly vulnerable step to take. It can bring up all the doubts that float around your business, like charging more, imposter syndrome, scarcity, and that pesky perfectionism.


So let’s get into it! Tune in for five tips that include how to

1)    Clear the path for money

2)    Loosen your relationship with goals

3)    Learn to receive

4)    Practice Imperfect Action

5)    Rewrite your Story

And if you’re interested in joining Plenty and getting support as you set the goal to double your income in 2023, click here for all the info: https://www.raydodd.co.uk/plenty-november-2022


Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization by Lisa Laskow Lahey and Robert Kegan

Dare to Lead, Brene Brown (Podcast) 

Burnout: The secret to solving the stress cycle by Emily and Amelia Nagoski


“I definitely think you can double your income. I also believe that the majority of people listening are currently underestimating the amounts they can make.”


“Clearing the path is when we look at where we're holding onto money and where it needs to be going. Even though there is enough, we don't believe that more money is coming so we hold back. And when we do that, we stifle the flow of money by subconsciously telling that money that it is not enough.”


“The more shame we can remove from debt, the better and the more likely you are to pay it off. Look that stuff in the eye.”


“Expect your brain to have shit to say - that does not mean you are not doing it right. Expect it not to be linear - that does not mean you're not doing it right. Not hitting the number does not mean you're not doing it right.”


“The issue with your money making is not that you are not doing enough. It's not that you are not enough, and it's not that you need to be more. One of the biggest skills in making money is learning to expand your capacity to receive.”


Episode 81: Being Needy (and why that’s a good thing!) with Mara Glatzel


Episode 79: Selling through the Silence with Elizabeth Stiles