Episode 90: Building Courses with Integrity with Vix Meldrew

Today I’m chatting with the brilliant Vix Meldrew about her business journey and pivot to online education and mentoring for coaches and course creators.

In 2018, Vix left teaching to be a full-time content creator, a step that evolved from a successful blog and Instagram, to partnerships with brands like Microsoft, Squarespace, and Pinterest, all the way to her membership, Grow & Glow, which has helped over 1200 small business owners take charge of their social media and gain new clients and customers.

Now, Vix is sharing her vast experience of teaching to help coaches, educators and experts create scaleable programs and communities of ready-to-learn clients.

Tune in for lots of chat about the post-pandemic shift in socials and marketing, and how to respond and evolve your business with value and integrity.


You can find out more about Vix at

www.vixmeldrew.com and anywhere @vixmeldrew


Interested in Real You Real Money? Take a look at all the info here: https://www.raydodd.co.uk/real-you-real-money



“Where I’m meeting my clients at now is: you are your topic expert, you are your business expert, and you are your people expert. We build the experience around that.”


“Is it imposter syndrome, or is it that you actually, deep down, don't think you can deliver your promise? You have so much experience, so much care for your clients, but could there possibly be a different way or a better way?”


“I hold myself to the standard that a hundred percent of my clients will get a hundred percent results, so I create everything to that standard… but I know it's impossible.”


“When creating courses and programs, think about profitability in terms of time, energy, and finances.”


Episode 91: Embracing Big Money


Episode 89: Being in your Power with Tamu Thomas