Episode 84: Finding your Money Making Space with Josephine Brooks

My guest this week is the wonderful Josephine Brooks, a business & marketing strategist who helps you build and structure your business in a way that supports the lifestyle you want to live.


Josephine talks us through the pivot that she took after experiencing burnout, and how that helped her discover a way of running her business that brought ease to her marketing and money making.

She shares her strategies for escaping intense business-building formulas, embracing the long-game through building value-driven sales funnels, and powering up your evergreen marketing.

If you feel stuck in endless launch cycles and are tired of relying on social media for sales, this is one not to miss!


You can find Josephine at




“Talking to people is a marketing channel.” 

“I tell myself this big story that making money isn't easy. It's got to be a result of hard work. Even now I get triggered when I see people that I perceive to be finding it super easy. I’m still unpicking this, and I think it’s down to the general rules that we hear online about how you make money.”

“What's actually going to work? What's not procrastinating? They're often the smaller tasks that we don't think of. We think of a launch, we don't think of just DMing a person.” 

“Think of your marketing funnel like a funnel shape: it's got three main sections to it. But first of all, people need to discover you to know you even exist. Then once they've connected with you, they need to get to know, like, and trust you. They need to connect with you on an emotional level, and then they need to find out about what you offer and how they can buy it. I think where we often get stuck is we sit in that nurture zone in the middle. We're not doing enough to bring new people in.”


Episode 85: Leaving Struggle Behind


Episode 83: A Business Built on Trust