Episode 75: Double your Income in 2023!

I usually avoid phrases like this because if you know me, you know I’m not a huge fan of income guarantees. The way you approach and feel about money making is too nuanced to hold yourself to specific amounts, goals, and percentages without the context of all the mindset work that goes into getting there.


But as I’ve been talking to you all during my most recent launch of Plenty, I’ve noticed so many people coming to me with the same inkling, the same spark, the same desire: to double their income in 2023.


So I’m diving right in, because what’s happening here feels very different than an empty financial promise. Instead, we’re looking at how to set a goal, then mentally step into a space where you can embrace and achieve that goal just as you are!


We have been conditioned out of having easy access to our desires, and I just know that 2023 is going to be the year that so many of you take hold of them… and most importantly, do it in a way that is distinctly you-shaped.


So what do you say? Are you in?


If you want help doubling your income in 2023, take a look at Plenty, my lifetime access money course that includes live coaching and a curriculum that’ll help you step into your money goals with confidence and ownership of every wonderful thing that you are: https://raydodd.co.uk/plenty-november-2022


Episode 76: Getting What You Want


Episode 74: When life gets tough, money gets…