I believe that how we feel is our superpower. And how we feel can tell us far more about what we are earning (or not earning) than many of us realise.

Emotions hold the key to more than we give them credit for. And I believe that we live in a society, a culture, that does not honour that. Especially within the business world. 

Ray Dodd Headshot

Hi, I’m Ray.

Back in 2016 my finances (and very nearly my marriage) fell apart when I discovered there was only £7.50 left in our account. 

I was juggling motherhood alongside my hypnobirthing business. My husband had recently left his job to start a business, and I hadn’t checked our accounts in 4 years. 

We were screwed. I was panicked. I was hurt. It was a mess.

We borrowed from family, went on benefits, maxed out credit cards, asked family to drop off food shops. But when all of those avenues dried up… I was forced to get practical and get selling, to my small audience, without a website or mailing list, and two kids in tow. 

I didn’t have the time or energy to figure out how I was ‘supposed’ to sell, learn selling formulas or let my worries, self-doubt and fear around selling stop me from making money.

I had no choice but to push my conditioning around money to the side, and leap into selling as I was.

In 4 months I'd gone from £7.50 in the bank, to my first £7,500 month. It blew my mind.

That’s when I realised… when you step out of your conditioning around money and selling, it makes selling easier, and you make waaaay more money. 

And that’s because, selling becomes easy when you understand why you found it so hard.

Unpacking and moving past my money-conditioning has TRANSFORMED my business, and my bank balance. I want that for you too!

I’m here to help you work through your conditioning around money, fall in love with selling, and make more money without feeling gross about it. 

As Seen In Happiful Magazine

“Encouraging women to stop making themselves small, to stop apologising for existing, and to stop holding themselves back from pursuing their dreams, Ray is an empowerment sensation.”

Ready to sell more & make money WITHOUT compromising who you are or what you believe in? Watch my FREE masterclass…

Make More Sales In 3 Simple Steps

In the next 30-minutes you’re about to discover 3 seriously simple ways to start selling right now AND uncover the BIG secret to making more money - It’s a game changer.

Listen to the podcast

Real You, Real Money

This is where you’ll find conversations that go into the nuance and intersections of what it means to make the money you desire.

My unique approach to money making

 I see what I do as foundational to all that your business can and will become.

I see people spending thousands on online courses and coaches, when their mindset and emotions are not in the right place for that information yet. Buying a PR strategy is very unlikely to fix that void in your self worth.

At the end of the day, if you still believe you are not worth it, not capable, not good enough, THAT is what will shine through. And that’s heartbreaking, because it doesn’t have to be that way.

If you’re looking for a coach who’s all technical terms and spreadsheets, that’s not me.

However, if you’re looking for someone who can give you the tools to truly understand how much you are capable of earning, how brilliant you already are; someone who believes you already know far more than you can comprehend right now. Someone who will not only help you get in touch with your instincts, but enable you to trust them.

If you’re looking for someone to grapple alongside you with what it means for YOU to exist in your business as YOU, then I may well be your woman.


Here’s how I can help

Join me for two modules that will help you price with confidence… and without the ick! This affordable workshop is a great reference for anyone who struggles with pricing, no matter what stage of your business you’re in!

The self-paced course for online business owners who want to do this selling thing waaaaay differently. I introduce you to my proven recipe of exploring the practicalities of selling AND the feelings, so in 4 week’s time you’re making sales without the ick.

Plenty is a course AND community that will reprogram your brain to feel confident making the money you want in ways that feel grounded and exciting! You get lifetime access, so if you’re looking for continued support from me, this is the place for you!

You and me talking money, unpacking your money stories and working together to shift your money mindset, reframe your approach to selling so that making money becomes second nature. I offer a range of long-term coaching and intensives.

Here’s what I know to be true…

You are absolutely capable of making life changing amounts of money… and YOU get to decide what life changing amounts of money means to you.

It might be that ever popular 6 figure amount, or something closer to 7 figures, or it might even be a lower amount (shocking, I know!). What matters is that it is your choice.

It might just be easier than you're imagining. Not easy in a sit back, think positive thoughts and find money in the cupboards kind of way. But more in an ’it doesn't have to be an epic struggle kind’ of way.

Your complicated feelings about money are not your fault.

Our world is full of societal, cultural and familial stories that there is not enough money out there, and that what money there is only available to the select few. It is no wonder that we find ourselves underpricing and undervaluing our work.

There are many real systemic obstacles to creating wealth. I believe wholeheartedly in learning what those obstacles look like for us & those around us and behaving with integrity and empathy towards them.

Money is a nuanced topic. For many of us it is not as easy as simply switching our mindset. Unravelling your complicated feelings about money is an important responsibility and it takes time. And that is ok.

The world is unbalanced and making money is a feminist issue. It's time more of us who desire more of it follow through on that desire and start sharing out our wealth with justice, equity and equality at the forefront of our minds and actions. You and I both know our world is craving it!



“Working with Ray has been the best investment I could have made, not only because it’s jump-started my business but because it’s helped me see myself as someone who is capable of doing this, someone who is worthy of investing, someone who isn’t alone.”


“Ray Dodd, I don’t know where to start, but you are a beautiful kick up my arse, in the nicest possible way”


“Working with Ray helped me realise that I had been focused on lack of money and somehow felt like what I wanted was unattainable and that I wasn’t ‘the sort of person’ who made money. The mindset shift is ongoing, but I made a really solid plan of what I wanted and found it WAS possible. I more than doubled my prices and said no to work I didn’t want to do. The shift in my thinking around money has made a huge difference and I can see that the things I want are all possible.”


" When I think about a Sliding Doors scenario where I didn't buy this course it makes me want to be sick on my shoes. It's been transformational. Thank you Ray Dodd! "


“Working with Ray has unlocked the me that’s always been fighting to get out. Ray has given me confidence and clarity that I have been craving for so long. I look forward to our calls, I can only describe the experience as life changing, everyone should have a Ray Dodd.”


Do you find yourself tripping over your pricing?

Going back and forth between too much or too little?

Playing endless guessing games about what your clients can or can’t afford?

Sign up for the


The Pricing with Feelings Guide is a FREE flowchart that you can come back to whenever you’re feeling the pricing ick. Download the guide below to get unstuck and land on the price that feels right for you!